Our story

Our story and desire to help……
When deciding to retire some 7 years ago we found Lemon TREE Passage as our home.
Little did we realise just how much this area is a special part of the world.
It is, as many say, “our little bit of paradise.”
It soon became clear to me after moving into this area that once it became known that I was
involved in this industry, people were asking questions and for advice as to how best they
could manage a funeral and the costs.
Hence in 2021 we decided to open our family funeral business so we could guide and help
the people of this area as a local and friend. Refer to our home page and philosophy.

Our heart and rose symbolize how we feel as a team and represent our love and care we
wish to give to all we serve; the Lemon Tree is a symbol of our name itself, in fact when this
area was settled it was said by our early settlers that lemon trees found growing on the shore’s possibility
washed up from other settlements. Another thought was the native plant Cheesebush which
is similar in appearance. Like the tree, it gives us life and represents our balance and
harmony for all to share.
We are an Australian-owned and operated company, and we cover all the Port Stephens
area plus greater Sydney itself.
Our point of difference is we come to you and go through every possible area with you and
your family.
Always mindful of costs and always offering every service with love, care,
respect, and dignity.
Talk to us anytime, we are always only a phone call away and available.

Bede Long
Lemon Tree Funeral Services
Remember our number 0450 455 300